Just a little ray of sunshine

Just a little ray of sunshine

Monday, August 10, 2020

August 9th, 2020: Our birds heads are falling off

I know I could be writing about both Sunday and today, but tonight I ended up more tied up than usual with other stuff. I should really probably just be going to bed, but I hate falling more behind, sooo here I am. I'm going to try and make this brief.

I kicked off Sunday morning with some cleaning to get the day started off with everything more in order. I've learned that I operate so much better when everything is in order. Maeve wanted waffles, so I also made waffles for a late breakfast. Adam scored some big points by taking it upon himself to clean all the windows downstairs, inside and out. It for sure needed to be done, but with the chaos of life with little ones I got enough going on to be worried about that kind of cleaning so it always ends up on the backburner. It was so nice to see it happen without even saying a word about it myself. 🙌🤩 He's a keeper. Our home church was such a joke I couldn't help but laugh. The kids were just soooo riled up and could not help but go insane together despite anything we said. The sacrament hymn seriously turned into Adam saying "okay Mommy and I are just going to have our own sacrament meeting because we're the only reverent ones" and then he started singing the song, all while the kids were still being loud wild animals and I couldn't help myself but laugh. I just couldn't stop laughing about the fact that all hell was breaking loose around him and he was trying to pretend it wasn't... 😂😂😂. I wish I had the whole the thing on video. It was quite the sight to behold, or really even just listen to. Ya win some, ya lose some, am I right?? 😝

After church, I made some homemade breadsticks that are soooo good. They definitely land first place in all the bread recipes I've made since I started on this bread kick. Just the perfect texture and sotness and taste! Yum. A little problematic for Adam though because he ate so many he lost count and ended up calling it his dinner. 😂🤦

The kids spent some time outside riding their scooters and bikes up and down the sidewalk and Adam and I sat with them in our camping chairs. When they were finished, we brought the chairs inside and before we knew it, they thought it was the best thing in the world to have those camping chairs set up in the living room! Maeve said "It's perfect! We can eat in them, play with toys in them, and even just relax!" 😂😂 It truly doesn't take much sometimes to make their dreams come true and I kind of love that. Oh to be little!

Adam found some pallet wood near our dumpster that he decided to grab and we spent much of the rest of the night dreaming up some different projects we could do with it. Pinterest is awesome, but also overwhelming because there are so many cool things out there that people have done. I am so dang indecisive and I have the hardest time pulling the trigger when it comes to house projects/decorating. I really need someone else's help so I don't just stay stuck dreaming and not doing, cause I'm real good at that. 😂 Maeve and Rowan were naked having the time of their lives playing in our kiddie pool while we were doing this brainstorming. 🤣 After they went to bed, I was so slap happy with Adam and he just kept making me laugh. I don't even remember what was so funny now, except for the fact that he was making faces like this 👇👇, but it was nice to be with him "laughing my head off", as Maeve would say. It is good for the soul!!

He's sooo dreamy, am I right?? 😂

And with that, I'm going to bed! 

Peace and blessings. ✌️

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