Just a little ray of sunshine

Just a little ray of sunshine

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

August 16th - 18th: The woes of Kindergarten

It's pretty rare I miss writing on a weeknight, but I didn't write last night because we had a video chat with the missionaries and I also happened to have a really bad headache, so once that was finished I just needed to relax and not use any brain power whatsoever. Sooo here we are with lots of catch up to be done. 


It was a day. We lived. We breathed. We did church. The end. 😂 But really, I have almost nothing to say about it because I was feeling especially lazy that day for some reason and couldn't bring myself to do much more than read The Help whenever I could get away with it (which I just finished today 🙌 - a fun, yet sad read. Some of the women in that book were just so cruel and I couldn't get over it.). Yeast has been out of stock at Kroger so I wasn't even able to make bread, but truth be told I was feeling too lazy anyway. 🙈 I told myself I was going to work on some ironing and treating stains on some clothes instead, but again.... the couch and my book was calling me and I had to listen. 😂😂 Also, now that I have a child in school I myself am feeling that sense of dread on Sunday night that another week is starting that I used to feel when I was the one in school or had a full time job. Is that a thing to feel that as mom when you're not even the one in school?? 🤔 I guess it's because I know there's a reason that I absolutely must wake up early and it's up to me to get us all out the door on time and through the carpool line all by 7:30am. It is a dang good thing I got in the habit of waking up early several months ago on my own volition, otherwise it would be truly awful. 


I feel like weekdays are often all so similar, so I don't have too much to say aside from some funny things that happened. I sat down to eat breakfast with Rowan and he said "Now we're both eating dinner!" 😂🤦 The poor boy gets them all mixed up. Doesn't matter how much I clarify, he still mixes them up often. Later, I was taking him potty and he said to me "When my penis turns big, I will be big!" 😂🙈🙊 I don't know what it is, but he does seem to talk about his penis a lot. Not sure if I should be scared about that or not.... 😅 Anyway, throughout the day, just like the week before he continued to randomly ask when Maeve was coming home or if it was time to pick her up yet. Poor little dude misses his buddy! Oh and here's a good story to remember... I was in the shower and had put Nolan in the playroom with all the doors closed so he could play - he was fed, recently changed, and I knew he would likely stay happy the whole time. In comes Rowan to my bathroom and he says "Mommy, Nolan pooped everywhere!" 😱 To be honest, upon hearing this, I was skeptical because Nolan doesn't often have blowouts anymore, so I asked him if he was sure it wasn't just spit up and he said yes and claimed that he was getting it all over the place. So there I was, forced to stop midshower for fear of what I might find - I mean, I had to know it wasn't a total poop disaster getting worse by the second - and of course, it ended up being just a contained spot of spit up. Stinkin Rowan! It was orangish so I guess I can't blame him completely for thinking maybe it was poop but it certainly didn't get all over the place. 

When we went to pick up Maeve from school, she told me she got sad during the day and cried some because she missed me. She told me the day felt too long. 😭 I hated hearing this because all along I had been wishing she had half day Kindergarten instead of full day because I was worried about this happening. The novelty wore off and now it just feels like too long to be away from her comfort zone of home! I can't blame her one bit. Now I just have to figure out how to help her through it, because here it is Wednesday now and it's continued to be an issue. 🥺 Her teacher even sent me a message today about it because she was that upset. Poor girl! I am sending her with a picture of us in her pocket tomorrow that she can pull out when she gets sad. Hoping and praying that helps! 🙏 

One other funny tidbit at bedtime on Monday was when Rowan really wanted Adam to come upstairs and I assured him he was coming and he said "but I don't hear Daddy walking!" 😂 - truth be told, he wasn't coming yet and boyfriend doesn't miss a thing! 


It's interesting how my time feels much more constrained now, even though I've only lost an hour of time between morning drop off and afternoon pick waiting in the dang carpool line. I tried leave myself enough time to go to Costco on Monday, which didn't happen, so then I tried again on Tuesday and and it still didn't happen. I don't know how the morning hours manage to fly by so quickly sometimes. It doesn't help that Costco is 35 minutes away so it's a process that usually takes over 2 hours from start to finish... which stinks. I can't waaait until the one in Murfreesboro opens. So anyway, since I didn't leave myself enough time to go to Costco before picking up Maeve on Tuesday, we decided to pop over to the library to get some books for preschool for Rowan. Books were checked out left and right and we literally only managed to get 1 of the books of the list. What a productive trip! While we were there this old man was hacking up a lung, which was discomforting even from a distance, making me wonder if corona was in the air 😅. To my dismay, next thing I knew he was right next to us with his mask partially off his face breathing over my baby saying hi to him. 😑 He honestly had the voice of a smoker, so I'm sure he was no major threat, but then he proceeded to make blow up a balloon and give it to Nolan - last I checked balloons aren't really the safest idea for an 8 month old and when he asked if Rowan wanted one too, I said "oh that's okay, he can actually just have this one" but then he said "I make extra special ones for older kids" -- at this point, I was thinking who even is this dude and why does he have balloons just sitting in his pockets to give away to small children?! So that backfired and Rowan ended up with a balloon animal shaped like a dog. Super odd interaction, but it's 2020. 😂

I've got one final story that is sad, sweet, and comical all at the same time. After Maeve was home from school, Rowan got mad at her for some reason or another and pushed her off the kitchen chair she was sitting on and she fell straight on her back. She started wailing, and in my anger, I immediately swooped him up and threw him in the bathroom to have a time out. I went to slam the door shut and forgot (like I often do) that Adam's pull up bar was hanging from that doorway, but I guess if you try to slam it hard enough it will knock it off the frame and come crashing down on top of you. 😳 Which is what happened and it nailed me in the head pretty dang hard. So within a matter of seconds, in the moment I'm supposed to be going over to comfort Maeve, now I'm distracted also crying in pain myself. 😂😭🤬 Poor sweet Maeve just starts crying even harder as she sees that I've gotten hurt and runs over to me and clings to me and we're both just crying on each other's shoulders... hahaha. But then that sweet girl said to me, while she's rubbing me, "you're gonna be okay Mommy!! I'm sorry it hurts!" 😭😭 - I couldn't even believe my ears, coming from the girl that also got hurt herself. She is so in touch with the emotions of others and always looking out for people - it's pretty astounding for a 5 year old! I just love that sweet, sensitive girl so much. 🥰❤️

Well, that's a wrap! Here's a few cute pics I snapped of Rowan with Zoey from yesterday.

Peace and blessings! ✌️

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