Just a little ray of sunshine

Just a little ray of sunshine

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

August 10th - 11th, 2020: Spilled peaches and a baby bum

I stayed up waaaay too late on Sunday night. It was already late when I finished my blog post for that night and then I wanted to unwind for a minute to watch a show and it was a juicy episode I was on, which turned into watching another episode and not going to sleep till 1 am. Oops! I set my alarm for 6 am thinking maybe I could be a rockstar, but it's no surprise I hit that snooze as many times as I could and then dismissed it all together. Unfortunately at 7am, Adam told me he needed me to take the dogs out because he was running late and in my groggy state I fully planned on taking them out and then going back to bed. But literally right as I was putting their leashes on I hear Adam open the fridge and say "oh crap"... come to find out a Tupperware of peaches fell, opened up, and splattered everywhere. Seeing as he didn't have time to deal with the dogs, cleaning that up was also on me. 🙄🙄🙄 Nothing like having to clean up the kitchen floor and bottom of the fridge basically right after getting out of bed. So lame. But at that point, my juices were flowing enough that I was awake, so I stayed awake and started my normal routine afterwards. Probably for the best!

Monday ended up being a pretty chill day at home - we tried to coordinate going to the pool with our friends who were back in town (the ones that let us use their pool key during July), but our schedules didn't mesh, so we just took it easy at home. The most noteworthy things we did that were out of the ordinary were taking Nolan's 8 month photos, only 8 days late, and also Nolan taking a midday bath for the first time in the big bath tub instead of his infant tub. Rowan even ended up joining him too! I have been the WORST with the monthly photos this time around. I didn't take any photos at 3 months, 5 months OR 6 months and the ones I took at 4 months were test shots that turned out terrible because of the lighting and I was never able to fix the issue and take them at a better time. 🤦🤦 I finally buckled down at 7 months and I'm committed to taking them from now on, even if I am a few days late. At 8 months, he is crawling everywhere and trying to get into everything he can, so it was a tricky photoshoot this time. He immediately was trying to take off his sticker and also constantly trying to crawl away from me. I had to lure him in to focus on me with toys and obnoxious sound effects. Thank goodness we don't have a sound recording of that cause I'm sure it wouldn't sound pretty! 😂😂 We ended up with some pretty cute photos, so it was mostly successful. Here are the best shots below, including him trying to eat his sticker at the end. 🤣👇 

That tongue! 😍

Maeve was my assistant and she was making him smile at her. 🥰

He was super focused on a toy in this pic 😂

His newest developments are squealing/yelling randomly and very loudly, yet happily and blowing spit bubbles. He shows the most personality while he eats solids - he will spew his food everywhere randomly cause he decides to spit for fun in the middle of a bite and then smiles or laughs when I say no. I swear he knows he's being a stinker already! He actually splattered me and his tray with pureed peas during lunch. Knowing my luck, I probably had tiny specks of peas in places that I didn't even clean off cause it can be hard to know where all it lands sometimes. 🤦 He also loves to smack the spoon with his arm spasms and splatter food that way too. Meal time is sooo lovely. 😜 I actually took a video of him eating on Monday to showcase some of this personality coming through, which you can see below. 👇

Anyway, Nolan felt right at home in the big bath tub and enjoyed getting to munch on the foam bath letters. Rowan loved that he got to join him too. I had to document the occasion of course. 


Rowan looks so huge these days next to Nolan! You can already tell he got Adam's strong teeth, and can see them nice and well in this pic! 😍

I was able to sneak in some reading before dinner time while the kids entertained themselves - I am loving The Help and just wish I had more time to read it quicker. We ate a quick dinner and I had to hop on the parent meeting for Maeve's school to go over more info. It's feeling more and more real around here! It's Tuesday as I'm writing this, so she starts tomorrow!! I went to Walmart after getting the boys in bed to pick up some last minute school items I thought of that we still needed and when I got home I had to tackle a bunch of dishes I hadn't disciplined myself to do during the day, so I hunkered down with a podcast while doing those. Wasn't the most relaxing evening, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. 🤷

As for some funny tidbits of the day... 

~I got interrupted after my shower to hand off the dogs to their owner when she dropped by and I wanted to go back upstairs to finish a few things, but Maeve told me before I went back upstairs we needed to play some magic real fast. It was making me laugh cause she has a notebook and was looking in it, acting like she was reading the spells that she was casting on Rowan and I. 😂

~After we finished the magic, she also said she had to tell me 5 things. When she got to the 5th thing, she said "The 5th thing is actually 2 things and the 1st is, I have a pink balloon, and the 2nd is don't forget about the dog on you when you stand up." 😂😂 She honestly has good reason to remind me of the dog because she weighs close to nothing and I've actually stood up before without remembering she was on me and knocked her off my lap... 🙈. Poor doggie!

~Before I started walking up the stairs, she said "if you want to do more magic when you come back down, just ask me nicely, because if you don't you'll turn into a zombie or a scary person" 😂😂😂 - she takes her magic seriously! We obviously use the phrase ask me nicely around here a lot. 😏 

~In the morning, when we went to pick out Rowan's reward he could earn for the day for having no accidents, Maeve saw some vanilla wafers in there and asked if she could have some. Rowan said yes and then within a minute or two, he grabbed a bag for himself and said with the most excitement anyone could ever muster up, "I want these like Maeve!" with the biggest smile on his face, jumping up and down, squealing with delight. To say he wants to be just like his sister would be an understatement. 🥰

~Rowan squatted and pooped outside in the rocks in the rocks, while naked cause he was swimming the kiddie pool. He said he just wanted to be like be dog. 😂🤦 

I also snapped this cute pic of Rowan after he fell asleep. 😍 

Now for TODAY! There's not too much to report on today. I was laughing during my morning work out because I was on the ground doing push ups and let me just say that babies don't know how to give you space while you are doing something like that and before I know it, I lower myself to do a push up and Nolan's baby bum is literally in my face and he's just oblivious. 😂 

On Monday night, Adam and I talked about how we should give Maeve a Father's blessing and I told her that this morning and explained to her why it can be helpful and give her extra blessings and protection from Heavenly Father. She has a sign that she has to hold up so that the staff know where to send her when gets in the building tomorrow since I'm not allowed to walk her to class, and being the sweet girl that she is, she said "Yeah, like when I am carrying my sign, He can guide me and protect me!" 🥰😭 Melt my mama heart! 

As for what we did today, we were able to meet our friends at the pool and play for a while and then sadly hand off their pool key. Luckily with school starting, we'll have a change of pace anyway and knowing Rowan he won't care to go swim without Maeve. So really, we had access to it when we needed it most! The kids had so much fun playing together and it was great to catch up with my friend Madeline. She told me they're expecting their 3rd and final baby so that's exciting and I got to witness that their not even 3 year old son taught himself how to swim overnight. 🤯 It was a sight to behold, that's for sure. I couldn't believe my eyes! We stopped at Walmart on the way home to exchange some shoes for Maeve cause she needed a bigger size and we ended up getting a few other odds and ends as per usual. 

Otherwise, the rest of the day was mostly getting everything in order and ready to go for school to start. Maeve got her blessing this evening from her Dad and it was everything she could need to hear from her Heavenly Father. We are hoping and praying it's a good, smooth year for her and that she loves every minute and stays healthy. 🤞🙏 

Oh and I snapped this pic this morning of the kids on their tablets. It was so funny to me that they pulled up these chairs instead of just sitting on the couch between them. 😂🤔 I'm sure when one decided to do it the other had to copy and do the same. They also happen to be in mine and Adam's matching shirts we made to announce Maeve's pregnancy. 😍 Gotta love them! 

And that's a wrap! 

Peace and blessings. ✌️

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