Just a little ray of sunshine

Just a little ray of sunshine

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

July 21st, 2020: Car pile up on I-24

In many ways, today was a total joke. A total trainwreck. Or like the title says, a car pile up that you just can't stop. As I mentioned yesterday, I think it has to do with insufficient sleep (for my kids) - gone are the days of them sleeping in if they're up later than they should be - no matter what, they are up at 7am 80% of the time. Maeve has been taking a while to fall asleep lately and it's becoming clear the 12 hours of sleep is important for her. The whinyness, the sassiness, the rudeness, the lack of patience if something went at all wrong was at an all time high today for Maeve and for Rowan. I felt like I was disciplining left and right and putting out way too many fires between Maeve and Rowan because they just could not be happy together. There were tears shed at one point or another by all of us. And then to top it all off, when I'd had enough and decided that we were going to try and turn things around and head to the pool, bad moods and all, to have a dang good time  (even if it was just for an hour before dinner time), we showed up at the pool only for me to realize I did not have the kids' puddle jumpers. So we turned around and went home. No swimming to be had. Some days are just not pretty. And it seems like it's one thing after another. That, my friends, was most certainly today.

When Maeve realized we couldn't swim, she fought back some tears and said "but we haven't had any fun today and have just been mad at each other. Now what will we do!?" - I was so beyond over it all myself that I knew right then and there, we just needed some good food to turn the day around. I don't normally give in to getting food out for dinner when the kids have been monsters, since it is something they like, but for my sanity and to make us all feel better that we couldn't go in the pool, I knew it had to be done. So stopped at Wendy's and got kids meals for a whopping $1.99 per meal (can you believe that?!?) and then Adam picked up Subway on his way home for him and I, so we didn't have to eat total garbage food. But being the good husband that he is, he did surprise me and treat me with cookies (Subway cookies are the best 👌👌🙌). After we ate, he filled up our kiddie pool and put the slide back in it and the kids acted like they'd never played with it before and life couldn't possibly be better. 🤦😂 And that's how you turn a bad bad day into a better day.

Now, as rough as much of the day was, I will admit there were some funny moments mixed in. Such as...

~During lunch time, Maeve was not pleased when she saw the veggies on her plate because apparently she didn't realize they were mixed veggies with green beans, and thought it was just a peas and carrots mix. She threw a little too much sass and rudeness at me because I "gave her something she didn't want" and I said to to her, "can you be nice to your mother?"
to which Rowan chimed in, "I can be nice to your mother!" 😂😂

~Rowan showed me a boo boo on his finger and then said "maybe Maeve hurt myself tomorrow" - meaning that maybe Maeve gave him the boo boo yesterday - he gets yesterday and tomorrow mixed up every time 😂

~We got free frostys from Wendy's too because we have the 2020 Keychain free frosty thingys (so technical 😂) and in the middle of eating his, Rowan asked if I could wipe him. When I went over to him, he had his face buried down in his shirt like he was looking for something down there, so I asked what he was doing. He said he was just looking to see if any ice cream went down there, so I asked if any had, and he pulled his head back out and said "nope, I'm good!" 😂

~During dinner, I noticed Rowan's chicken nuggets box was empty and I said "You ate all your chicken nuggets!" to which he replied, "No I didn't, one of them went bye bye" 😂🤔. I asked him where it went and he said he snuck it into Maeve's box. 😏

~I noticed Nolan's straps on his carseat needed to be adjusted up a notch because they were getting too snug in the shoulder area, so I went out to fix it while the kids were eating. When I came back in they asked what I was doing and I just said that I had to loosen his straps, to which Maeve responded "do you want him to fly out and be dead???". I assured her I wasn't loosening the straps that much! 😂😂🤦

~Rowan wore a dirty windbreaker that was too small for him to the pool because "it was raining" and heaven forbid he not be protected from the rain. For some reason, Alexa told us it was raining at that particular time of the day, even though it wasn't. He threw the biggest meltdown at the thought of not wearing that windbreaker and I had nothing left in me to try and convince him otherwise, so off we went while he sweat to death in his seat..... 🤦🤣. When I took this first picture, he said "don't take a picture" and closed his eyes, acting all somber. 😏 3 year olds!! 

~This is one from the other day I forgot to mention, but you know the coronavirus is getting to your kids when BOTH of them are repeatedly saying during their pretend play "we can't do that 'cause.... Coronavirus!" 😂🤦‍♀️ It's really kind of sad if you think about it... 😥

Thank goodness for some comic relief to keep me from killing myself today. 😂 

Tomorrow's a new day and I welcome it. 

Peace and blessings. ✌️

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