Just a little ray of sunshine

Just a little ray of sunshine

Thursday, March 18, 2021

March 17th & 18th, 2021: St. Patricks Shenanigans

I basically spent St. Patrick's Day yesterday making 2 different batches of cookies. 😂 I mean, it's not all I did, but when you fill in the rest of the cracks with working out, feeding the children, eating meals myself, cleaning up some, and getting ready for the day.... that pretty much sums it up until I left the house at 6:15pm to go to youth activities. And no, we aren't so fat that we wanted 2 batches of cookies for ourselves to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, but I know that's what you're thinking. I do live with a voracious eater of a husband after all. 😂🤷 In all honesty, the first batch of cookies was for one of the sisters that I minister to because it was her birthday yesterday. Which by the way - totally BLEW Maeve's mind that it could be St. Patrick's Day AND someone's birthday. 😂😂 Love her. I decided it would be a nice gesture to deliver her favorite treat - peanut butter cookies - and a quote from a conference talk, so I also spent some time figuring that out, making it cute, and printing it out. Turns out it was her big 40th. Craaaazy. She didn't seem super excited to be exiting her 30s, but who is!? Turning 40 will definitely be wild. Luckily I still have 8 years to go. Rowan helped me make the peanut butter cookies and after I cracked the egg, he wanted to see it in the bowl. He took a look and exclaimed, "Woah! It looks like egg guts!" 😂😂 Spot on dude, spot on. He is my cute little helper in the kitchen. Very enthusiastic the whole time! 

The second batch of cookies was actually for us in honor of St. Patrick's Day - we made basically a homemade version of grasshopper mint cookies. Maeve and Rowan were very much involved in the whole process of making them. I got a good laugh when Maeve asked me if there were grasshoppers in them... 😂🙈 Ya can't blame her for wondering, based on the name. She learned that they're named that just because the mint part is green like a grasshopper. She did a great job frosting all the cookies with me. All 3 kids highly approved of the end result - as did Adam and I! Very delish and so soft. Yummm.

Our youth activity last night was a little more exciting and out of the ordinary because we combined with 2 other wards to have pizza and popcorn and then watch the Worldwide Youth Music Festival. It was pretty awesome! It is so cool to me that the church does really well these days with the videos they come out with and the musical performances and such - it's not all so cheesy like it used to be. I was watching it thinking that you wouldn't know the performers were members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints just by watching them and listening to the words - of course all the songs were Christ centered, but there no other dead giveaways and I liked that. I think it's great from a missionary work standpoint to show other people that we're not weirdos and just like everyone else! We just happen to passionate in our belief of Christ and the performances definitely showed that. Some great talent and I guess there's A Great Work album (the youth theme this year) put together and it's available on spotify, apple music, the gospel library app, and maybe somewhere else. Pretty cool!! 

Adam held down the fort at home real well while I was gone and impressed me by not only bathing all the kids but he was also in the middle of deep cleaning our rug when I got home. Major props to him!! I was thinking I needed to do it, but he beat me to it and I love him for it. 😘🥰

Today was a pretty low key day spent just playing at home. Since our rug wasn't totally dry yet, I occupied the boys in the kitchen for a while making pancakes and then we played upstairs in the playroom for a while before Nolan went to bed. The boys were trying to make baskets by throwing balls inside the potty seat that I was holding up in the air as the basket. 😂 Totally Rowan's idea, and don't worry, I cleaned it real good before we used it for that. We also played with blocks and built some ramps for cars to drive over. Speaking of ramps, Nolan is a huge fan now of the little car ramp toy we have and figured out today how to put the little cars on it and watch them zoom down the ramp. He did it over and over and over for a while. I remember when Maeve and Rowan were obsessed with it when we first got it! Glad it will receive a little more love again now. 

We also had our traditional Steak and Fettucine Alfredo dinner that we normally have on St. Patrick's Day, but pushed it off to today because I had dinner at my youth activity last night. Of course we also had some bottled soda, as per usual, although this time I got only green colored sodas. Maeve was so excited for the soda that, the health conscious girl that she is, she told me she didn't want me to put a juice box in her lunch so that she could have the soda with dinner. I love her healthy, little rule following self (we normally only allow one sugary drink a day). We were impressed this year that Maeve was up for trying the steak and ate her portion plus the portion that Rowan wouldn't eat. 👏👏 She loved it! 

Tonight at bedtime, I can't even put into words what Rowan was doing while I was laying with him, but I wish I could have gotten a video of it. He is such a goof and I love him for it. I couldn't help but laugh, so of course he ate that up, laughed himself, and kept being goofy. Such an animated little character. Everyone needs a Rowan in their life! It might involve getting beat up a little bit here and there, but a loooot of entertainment will also be involved. 😂👌

That's all she wrote, so here are some pics from yesterday and today: 


Sweet boy loving on his sis! 

😍 I love him! 


My enthusiastic cookie froster 🤣

Rowan never agreed to get dressed, otherwise he would have been wearing green too. 🤦 Also he may or may not have refused to eat his dinner, was told he couldn't have a cookie, but snuck one anyway when Adam wasn't around.... 😳🤦

I might not have set this photo up super well, but it kinda cracks me up that Rowan's head is perfectly positioned between the 2 soda bottles. 😂😂

Sweet little Zoey! 😍


😂😂 The faces she makes without me even asking her to... Nailed it! 👌👊

Peace and blessings. ✌️

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