Just a little ray of sunshine

Just a little ray of sunshine

Monday, September 7, 2020

September 4th-5th, 2020: Gettin' down and dirty

It's Labor Day y'all. It's been a long weekend, mostly full of boring (yet invigorating) deep cleaning projects with a little bit of fun mixed in. And ya know, we're the McKarns, so of course there's some funny, weird stuff in the mix too. Saying "ya know" reminds me that that is Maeve's new phrase and she says it all. the. TIME! Anytime she's explaining anything she always throws it in. It's so funny to me. 

On Friday, from a housework standpoint, I had on my to do list folding laundry, cleaning the upstairs, mopping, and deep cleaning the fridge. It was lofty, but I was hoping to pound through as much as I could. Somehow, I ended up deep cleaning my kitchen sink to make the faucets extra shiny, cleaning the grooves in between all my kitchen chairs that I can never get to with a rag (turns out a butter knife with a wet paper towel wrapped around it saves the day 😂), and reorganizing the pantry. I'm not exactly sure why that is, but I'm rolling with it and I'm super happy my pantry looks awesome. Adam even ended up building a shelving unit to give us some extra storage space. I think he's always looking for an excuse to build something with wood. 😂👌 Gotta love him! 

I almost forgot that on Friday morning after dropping Maeve off at school, the boys and I went to get some donuts from Donut Country. When Adam brought us what was left from the donuts he got for his coworkers on Monday, he mentioned some flavors that were some of his favorites that had already gotten eaten that day before he brought them home to us, so we went to specifically get those flavors. Surprisingly, my favorite ended up being the strawberry iced with a cheesecake custard filling. I don't normally go for anything fruity, but it was 👌👌. It was pretty hard to bring them home and have to do my work out before I could eat them, but I'm glad I stayed strong and forced myself to do it first - I'm sure my body thanked me for it, considering the calories and fat I consumed right afterwards. 🙈

I just have to record that later during preschool that day one of the activities was to count and label apples. I had written 1-10 on sticky notes and asked Rowan if he could find each number. When I asked if he could find the 5 specifically, he responded "I sure can do that!" 😂😍 It was seriously the cutest how he said it. Love that smart boy! 

When I picked Maeve up from school, all she could talk about was the excitement of the 3 day weekend she was about to have! She said to me "I can't believe I have a day off of school! It's because I've been working so hard!" 😂😂 She kills me! It might not be the real reason she's getting the day off, but I'm glad it's what she thinks! She certainly is a dedicated little student. 

Maeve got to enjoy the donuts after school so of course she wanted some milk with them. Next thing I know both her AND Rowan are taking turns drinking directly out of the milk carton. 🙈 I asked them why they were doing that and Maeve said "I'm into it because I'm bigger, I don't know about Rowan..." 😂🤦‍♀️ Oh dear. Apparently she thinks she's reached adult status already - cause truth be told, Adam and I do drink directly out of cartons sometimes and she has seen that. Guess we better stop doing that... 

For Friday night movie night Maeve chose to watch Zombies 2 YET again, so that was actually when I opted to organize the pantry after she said she wouldn't be bummed if I didn't sit and watch with her too. While that was going on, a guy and girl showed up trying to sell Vivint SmartHome security systems and such. They were pretty bold, and I will admit that I'm not the best at standing strong and shutting up salesmen from early on even though I'm never interested, so I let them say their whole spiel and after showing me the numbers, they're all "So does tomorrow work for someone to come install it all tomorrow?" without even asking me first if I even wanted to buy anything. 🙄 I know they're probably all trained to do that kinda junk, but it sure rubs me the wrong way to not even be asked if I'm interested first. Of course that's what I shut them down, but anyway - it was interesting. 

After the kids went to bed was when Adam built the shelving for the pantry so I indulged in the rest of my Ben and Jerry's from the night before, while watching Virgin River. I just started it and it seems like it's gonna be a good one! I just need to find a good show to watch that has more than 1 season - I hate waiting to watch subsequent seasons. I'm too impatient and cliffhangers at the end of seasons ALWAYS kill me!! 

Saturday started out interesting, when I went downstairs in the morning to take the dog out to find the kids already on the couch on their tablets. I asked Maeve how long they had been down there and she said she hadn't been down there long, but that she went downstairs because Rowan wasn't in his bed when she woke up. She said she went downstairs and saw that he was on the couch sleeping (????), but then he woke up and they just decided to get their tablets out. I went upstairs and made sure Adam didn't know they were awake like that and he also didn't. There's a first time for everything I guess! I didn't even know they had it in them to not wake us up once they were awake. I was doubtful that Maeve was really telling the truth about Rowan being asleep on the couch, but he did claim that he woke up at one point and was too hot in his bed, so she just went downstairs to the couch...! 😲 I honestly have no idea if he knows what he's talking about, but if it did happen, I wish I could know how long he was asleep down there on his own! So crazy. 

Anywho, Saturday was mostly boring since Adam went roofing and I chipped away at more cleaning. I decided to refocus to my actual to do list and managed to clean the whole upstairs, including the bathrooms. It felt great to have that finished since it had been neglected for a few days, which isn't typical, but it was nice to finally lift that weight off my shoulders. Housework is relentless I tell you and it only takes a few days of missing a certain task for it to feel out of control! My mind does not function as well when that happens, which is why I typically stay on top of it, but I kinda really wish it wasn't so relentless!! 

Adam suggested that we go out for dinner (I think he could tell I could use the break, bless his sweet heart!) and I was of course all for it. We decided to go to a Mexican place in Nashville that he had really liked. Turns out, he got the best thing on the menu when he went, which he decided to get again, and I thought maybe I should branch out so I tried something different. It ended up being too salty, which was a bummer, but we did try a queso dip that was really good! The kids did surprisingly well eating their dinner and also not causing any commotion, which was so nice. Since we were in the area, we decided to stop at Five Daughters Bakery since this was my first chance to actually try a normal one instead of a vegan one!! Don't mind that we had already had other donuts twice during the week - sometimes you just have to go for it when the opportunity presents itself. We certainly aren't in Nashville a lot! We tried brownie batter, maple glazed, and cinnamon crispy crunch. Oh my goodness!! They were soooo good - maple glazed won but cinnamon crispy crunch was a close second! They were both infused with buttercream and it took it to a whole new level!! Rowan had fallen asleep on the way home, so it was only Maeve enjoying them with us once we got home, and while she was eating pieces of each one she said "these are fabulous!" 😂👏 She does not normally use that word, so she clearly especially appreciated them too. I think we're already training her to recognize especially good quality food haha. 

Adam also mentioned to me on Saturday that when he took Rowan potty at one point during the day, he looked at some poop in the toilet and said, "Look! There's a potsticker in the toilet!". 😂😂 It in no way, shape, or form actually resembled a potsticker, so who knows why that child said that but it was pretty funny! 

It's getting late, so I better stop here otherwise I'll want to die waking up in the morning. For the first time, I also actually have no pictures on my phone to show for Friday or Saturday. Oops! A post without pictures - so lame, I know! The next post will have some good ones for sure. 

Peace and blessings. ✌️

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