It's been a busy couple of days. Most days I have nothing going on that even takes me out of the house besides going to and from the school or sometimes grocery store runs. But between yesterday and today I had 2 appointments, a presidency meeting, and a girls night with a couple friends because one of them is moving tomorrow! Out of the original friend group I made when moving to Nashville, there's only 3 girls left now. As of now, 5 of them have/will be moved away. It makes me so sad!! And I've already had a good friend I made here in our Murfreesboro ward move away as well. I'm losing friends left and right. But I know that's how it goes in these early years of raising babies.
Yesterday's appointment was going to the dentist for cleanings for Maeve (I took her out of school for a little bit for it) and Rowan. While I was getting ready to leave for the appointment, Rowan was hanging out in my bathroom with me playing with our new thermometer, trying to take his temperature. He wasn't having much success getting a read, and then he said, "Oh, I know... the best spots to do it are here and here" and pointed to his throat and his nose. 😂😂 Soooo yep, no successful readings were to be had haha. The appointment started out okay, but unfortunately, things went south very quickly when the hygienist was concerned with some of their molars and felt like both kids needed x-rays. It was a total nightmare!! Maeve went incredibly ballistic and fought it so hard, but somehow they managed to do one and she nearly threw up. So after that, there was no way in Hades she was going to be convinced to do the second one. Let's also add that while she was screaming her head off in protest, Nolan also started screaming. You can imagine my enthusiasm level after that insanity when it was then Rowan's turn. This was his first time even experiencing an x-ray, so he didn't know what was coming and was actually super chill. BUT of course we can't turn the story around and make it pretty - and that's because he didn't almost throw up, he did throw up!! 😩😱 So nasty. X-rays are seriously THE WORST. I have always hated them too, but it's honestly way worse to have to put your children through them. I have no idea how to even talk them through it because how do you say "it's okay, just relax" when you yourself have a hard time relaxing for x-rays?! If I drank alcohol, I would have headed straight for a drink after that fiasco, that's for dang sure. 😅 The only silver lining was that Rowan didn't even care that he threw up. He didn't even cry or react at all...! When we got home, I told him he was so brave at the dentist and he said "Yep. But I got some sneeze out of my mouth..." 😂😂😂 I laughed and then he retracted and said "I mean... nevermind..." and smiled. He realized he said the wrong thing, but still couldn't think of the right term hahaha. Too funny!
We fit preschool in before my presidency meeting over google meet, which was fun. Always nice to talk to other adults!! It's pretty sad that I haven't gotten to see those ladies in person for so long. At least we have technology though. Once that was finished, I had just enough time to feed Nolan some solids and then go pick up Maeve from school. When we got home, I was asking her if she has made any new friends recently and she said she's still just friends with 3 of the girls from her class, but now she knows one of their last names. She told me what it was and then she said "I don't know Charlotte's last name. Actually, she doesn't have a last name... it's just Charlotte!" 😂🤔 I set the record straight that all people have last names, no worries.
I spent some time in the kitchen making dinner as well as a finger food for our girls night. I made these club crackers topped with brown sugar and wrapped in bacon that you bake in the oven. They are sooo heavenly and I discovered them at a going away party a while back and got the recipe from the lady who made them so I could make them for this shindig. They did not disappoint! So simple, yet unique and to die for - a total party pleaser! Even though it was just a few of us, our girls night at Diane's house was so fun! It was nice to just relax and chat about the good, the bad, and the ugly and it had been way too long! Coronavirus has thrown everything for a loop. It's just sad that we had to say bye to Haleigh for good at the end of the night. The only small problem is once you get a taste of girl talk it is hard to stop, so I stayed way too late and didn't go to bed till 12:30am! 😵 And to make matters worse, Maeve and Rowan decided to wake up at 5:30 in the morning today and be SO FULL of energy. They were seriously running around playing and being LOUD from the minute they were out of their beds. 🤯 The most ironic part about it is that the previous two mornings I had to basically drag Maeve out of bed against her will to get ready, cause she was so tired and not ready to wake up. Yet the ONE time I have a late night the night before, they're up with the freaking birds and ready to party. 🙄🤦😭 Why?!?
So sadly, I had to operate off of minimal sleep today and it didn't make for the greatest day. Let's just say I'm self medicating right now with DP and Ben & Jerry's. 😂 There were some redeeming moments during the day, such as Maeve not crying even one tear this morning!! 🙌🙌 Say whaaaat!? And also that at Nolan's well check, the doc agreed to do blood work for Rowan in his office so that we could get his platelet count without having to pay an arm and a leg for it at his Hematologist. 🙌 His count is now 137,000, up from 124,000 in December. Still just under the normal range of 150,000-500,000. But at least we continue to go up!! 🙏 The doc said he's happy to continue to monitor it himself as long as symptoms don't arise again, so we might be done with the Hematologist forever! Praise the heavens.
After this appointment, doing preschool, and picking up Maeve from school everything just started going downhill. My tiredness set in, and I was starting to feel pretty guilty that I hadn't gotten to a lot of cleaning in the last couple days with so much going on. Not to mention other things on my to do list I hadn't gotten to yet and here I was wanting to just shut my eyes while the kids had their screen time, instead of be productive and actually get to some of the cleaning. Of course when I almost surrendered to a nap, Nolan woke up. So I fed him and then it took about everything in me after that to start making dinner even though I really just wanted a free pass. I could have made something super simple, but I have been trying to support Adam in making extra healthy low calorie meals right now while he is trying to lose weight. In my heart of hearts, I didn't want to mess him up, so I stuck to the original dinner plan and gritted my teeth through it.
Adam wasn't able to go roofing the last couple of nights, but of course tonight when I SO could have used him coming to my rescue, he had to go roofing tonight. So after dinner, I was flying solo trying to get through dinner clean up, feeding Nolan, helping Maeve make her lunch, getting the kids their bedtime treats, and getting them all upstairs to get ready for bed at the same time. In a perfect world they would have cooperated and all been in bed fast asleep by 7:30pm, but it's never a perfect world when you're tired and flying solo and no one wants to follow directions. Why their energy ramps up so much before bedtime and they end up bouncing off the walls while they're supposed to be winding down, I will never know. 🤦😩
Soooo that's why I'm here with DP and Ben & Jerry's sitting next to me, washing all my troubles away. 😅
Before I end this sucker, Rowan did say a couple funny things today:
1. He wanted to play with his new water toy and needed a pitcher that could hold water that he would pour into the toy so it could do its magic. He kept telling me "I need a tote" - not sure how he came to the term tote for a pitcher...! 😂🤔
2. He got his shorts wet while playing outside with said toy 👆, and wanted to change. He said, "the sun is sleeping so it can't dry my shorts"... 😂🥰
Also, he has been SO interested in our clock and uses the terms small hand and big hand all day long. He is constantly telling me what numbers they've moved to and is very aware that noon means lunch time and 7pm means bedtime routine and now recognizes himself when it is both of those times. We've got a little child prodigy on our hands! With this level of interest, he might be telling time before he's even 4 years old...! 😯
Now for a few pictures!
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Leave it to Maeve to take selfies at the dentist 😂 |
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She also took a billion pics of the office - it's really a fun office!! |
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His preschool "apple sun" 😂 |
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He was looking at Rowan here! 😍 |
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😍😍 They kinda matched unintentionally! |
Peace and blessings. ✌️
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