Just a little ray of sunshine

Just a little ray of sunshine

Monday, September 21, 2020

September 11th - 18th: Home projects, deep cleaning, and a visit from Gram and Gramps!

It's been a minute! I missed a few nights simply because we were so busy getting ready for my parents to come visit and then of course once they were here I wasn't taking the time to write either. They said bye to us late Thursday night and I typically don't write on weekends, so there you have it! 

Friday the 11th was a HUGE momentous day for us because Adam got the verbal from Publix at work for the 1 million dollar deal!! 😲😲🥳 We feel seriously so blessed that he landed this considering we will be able to get out of all our debt and free up a good chunk of money each month to spend in other ways that are a little more fun! 🙌 Such a game changer. Being the sweet husband that Adam is, before I even noticed them, he got a pretty arrangement of roses and other flowers put together in a vase on our kitchen table after he got home from work. I asked him why he got them for me considering I felt like it was more of a celebration of his accomplishment and not mine, but he said it was big news and reason to celebrate for our whole family. 🥰 That man! He's a keeper. 

On Thursday night, I found out that my friend Jessica from our ward (we serve in the Young Women's Presidency together) could help me with stencils for my paper scroll and the sign we're making for outside our front door!! I was quite excited to hear this because I had no idea how to tackle it myself. She told me about a cool store where I could find colored vinyl, so I went over there on Friday before dinner to check it out and see if I could find the colors I wanted. Unfortunately they didn't have exactly what I had in mind, so we decided to go the paint route. 

We built up enough rewards to get a free box of Crumbl cookies, so after getting the kids in bed we enjoyed those. Oh and also, I went to change Nolan's clothes at one point on Friday and saw that his diaper was on backwards from a previous diaper change done by Adam.... 🤔 Not sure how that happened since he's never done that before, but it gave me a good laugh! 😂

Saturday morning Adam discovered that we had a caterpillar infestation coming from our neighbor's back patio - they've got a legit FOREST of weeds back there and it is one of the craziest things I have ever seen. I didn't even know weeds could grow as tall as trees but that is how they look. Anyway, considering Adam has some basil plants, tomato plants, and other flowers growing on our back patio he was quite distraught about this. They were trying to eat and destroy a bunch of the basil and he couldn't kill them fast enough. Rowan also peed his pants, so he had taken him up to the bath while I was busy making pancakes. In the middle of all of this, Adam's blood sugar started to plummet and he was being pulled so many directions he didn't start eating fast enough. He asked me where the syrup was in the fridge and then he asked me where the juice was (the syrup can get buried but the juice is always in plain sight) - I should have known something was really up when he asked about the juice. Instead, I answered him in a "in the fridge duh" kinda way and then before I knew it he was carrying the juice back to the table, stopped in his tracks, and started to speak incoherently. He was trying to tell me he couldn't think straight and couldn't even get the words out, but instead was stuttering on syllables. 😱 Definitely brought me on high alert!!! It was crazy and a little nerve wracking for me. At least we managed to make it almost 8 years together before having something like that happen! Here's to hoping it doesn't happen again. 🤞 

Otherwise, Saturday was a busy day of errands and projects. Adam worked on fixing his tool shelving and then painted the mirror in the kids room navy blue. It was white before and their walls are white, but even though it was "white" it was not the same true white that the walls are and it was really bugging me. It looks awesome now that it pops off of their wall and looks good with their bedding and decor. Meanwhile, I took the kids to Home Depot to get the paint colors for the sign on our front porch and also stopped at Walmart to get a few things, including some candy and sparkly for Adam as my congratulations to him for his big Publix deal! I also got a small set of organizational drawers for our cabinet that has a bunch of art supplies for the kids inside of it and man is it night and day from how to looked/functioned before!! 🙌 So nice now. After doing that, I went to At Home to look at decor for the house - so nice to be able to start tackling that again now that we will have some extra cash. I scored some cute wall decor to make our dining area complete as well as the CUTEST set of floral wall prints for the kids bathroom. I am obsessed! They are so fun and colorful and I just love groupings. Definitely my favorite wall in the house to look at now. 😍😍 I also got some really fun yellow decorative vases for the dresser in the kids room and they look so super cute with the mirror. Now I just need letters/pictures of the kids above their beds and their room will be looking awesome! On my way home from shopping, I was ordering some Chinese food while driving (considering I wasn't going to get home until 7pm and everyone still needed dinner) and accidentally missed the exit I needed to take and it cost me FIFTEEN minutes. Sooooo annoying, especially since I was already getting home so late and with the food. 🤦‍♀️ I made that mistake once a long time ago so as soon as I realized what I had done I knew there was no quick fix. Blah! 

Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday until 1:20pm when my parents showed up we literally devoted almost all of our time to cleaning, reorganizing, painting, etc. to get the house looking as awesome as we could before my parents showed up. Yet SOMEHOW after working so hard for so long, my parents ended up pulling in a little sooner than I expected and we did NOT have everything finished. 😱😱 I got my mom's text and nearly dropped dead and started running around like a wild woman trying to do as much as I could. Rowan was so confused and started exclaiming "What Mommy!? What is it?? Why are we hurrying so much!? Are we going somewhere??" 😂 Moral of the story is don't get too distracted with trying to finish one too many home projects, putting up new decor, reorganizing closets, and wiping down the baseboards that you run out of time to do surface level stuff like dishes and vacuuming. 🤦‍♀️🙈 So bad! I have never been a good judge of time and for some reason always think I can get done more than I end up being able to. Maybe now is when I will finally admit to myself moving forward that I need to chew off less than what I first think I should chew off. ANYWAY, despite my embarrassment, my parents still love me and we enjoyed our time together. 

They were with us until Thursday night and Maeve was just SOOO excited for them to be with us. We kept it pretty low key, but managed to eat out Tuesday night at a cute local restaurant in downtown Murfreesboro and that was delish. Maeve skipped school on Wednesday and the kids were just elated to be able to check out the hotel Gram and Gramps were staying at... gotta love kids! 😂 Doesn't take much to please them. We did a Walmart run, ate at Culver's for lunch, and hung out at home the rest of the day. On Thursday, Maeve was SO sad to miss out on the fun and go to school so it was a bit of a rough tearful morning, but the boys and I went with my mom to Hobby Lobby, the library, and Walmart again. Somehow every time we are together we end up with multiple Walmart runs and it's kinda the family joke. There are always things we forget to get. 🤣 We ordered some pizza for dinner from a local place we hadn't tried yet and it was pretty dang good! It was so fun to be able to play games with my parents after the kids were in bed all three nights. We had some great rounds of Cover your Assets and Codenames and a whole lot of laughter. Maeve just loves to bake with Gram so of course they also made some brownies and rice crispy treats. So all in all, lots of good food and lots of fun to be had!! Poor Maeve was so sad to say goodbye to Gram and Gramps before she went to bed Thursday night. She even said to them through tears, "It's just really tricky saying goodbye to someone you love so much" - bless her sweet little heart. 😭💔

We were all pretty depressed to go back to our normal routine on Friday. Maeve bawled all morning before school and in fact I also couldn't bring myself to be as productive as I normally am. I ended up lounging around with the boys most of the day, playing with them, and counting down the hours until Maeve and Adam got home. I am pretty sure that we will be watching Zombies 2 every single Friday after Maeve gets home from school for many months to come... she is that obsessed! Even Rowan is always singing the songs now too. 😂 After the kids went to bed, we watched the Fault in our Stars because it had been a long time since I'd watched it and sometimes when you're feeling a little depressed you want to watch a somewhat depressing movie... at least that's how I am, call me crazy! Unfortunately even though I was loving it (I just love Augustus in that movie), I fell asleep 30 minutes in, but no shocker there. 

I know I'm still a few days behind, but I'm gonna stop here. But before I do, here's a few other funny moments to share from last week: 

~Adam found our tube of Acyclovir (treats cold sores) on the ground in the living room (who knows how it got there) and said "Why is the cervadil down here?" 😂🤔 That's the drug I used to open my cervix when I was in labor with Maeve. Who knows how that even popped into his head again, but it was pretty funny!! 

~Rowan used the term "car foot" in place of "barefoot" 😂 - maybe because it meant his feet would feel the floor of the car being barefoot?! Too funny! He must have misheard me and also started referring to mopping as "mapping" 😂

~While watching Zombies 2, I gave Maeve and Rowan candy and when Rowan finished his he started sneaking some of Maeve's. I said, "Hey stop, that's Maeve's candy dude!" and he said "Yeah, but I was hungry!" 😂🤦‍♀️

Aaaand now for the pictures of the week...

She couldn't have possibly worn more pink 😂😍 - she must wear her favorite color on her favorite day (Friday) - obviously! 

Let the forced wrestling begin! 😂🙈

Don't worry, Nolan is always happy about everything so he was rolling with it 🤣😍

Love these boys 🥰

Rowan made a fruit loop necklace since we're learning about colors this unit and he did not want to be photographed 😂

Playing hopscotch! Bring me back to high school. For some reason, I even played it in high school... 😂🤔

Nolan had a serious blowout in the exersaucer on Saturday and was all smiles to have the opportunity to smear his poop all over his feed and the bottom of it 🙈🤢

Sooo gross. If only I could have just thrown it away! 😂

Those hands and that tongue! 😍 

Someone thinks they're getting so big! 


Found Rowan sleeping like this on Saturday night after starting in his bed... 😂

He was sooo sleepy after refusing a nap and all snuggles with Gram 

Enjoying some custard, cause he's just that privileged of a baby! 

Venturing down the table food road now that he's 9 months old and he's taking it like a champ! 

How he feels about black beans! 🙌 Rowan wouldn't go for them at all from the start so this is a big victory. Hoping it means he will be a better eater like Maeve is! 

And so it begins.... 🤦‍♀️

The joys of eczema! It is soooo terrible right now and spreading to two of my other fingers so here we are. It is helping give me major relief to lather on the healing ointment and keep them covered like this! 🙏🙏

When Mommy takes away the toilet brush... 😂 It's hard a hard life! 

Peace and blessings. ✌️

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