Just a little ray of sunshine

Just a little ray of sunshine

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

November 9th, 2020: Broken beds inconsolable babies

I didn't write yesterday because I decided to read instead. I'm officially recommitting to reading 20 pages from any kind of book a day and started yesterday. After I finish this, you better believe I'll be getting on that. I just have so many books I want to read - for pleasure, parentings books, self help books, etc. The list is long and I need to start chipping away consistently if any of them are going to get read! I'm queen of starting books and then not finishing them. I did this with No Drama Discipline - a parenting book - and the sad part is I was pretty close to the end and then just stopped reading it a long time ago. So, that's the one I decided to just start over yesterday since it's been so long. Here's to getting through it this time! It's good stuff and honestly a book I should probably always be reading and re reading so that it's fresh in my mind. Heaven knows I need the help so I'm not just an angry reactive parent when my kids are being extra naughty. 😅

Anywho, yesterday was a good day getting back in the grind after the weekend. Usually Mondays are days I need to get the house back in working order, but sometimes I struggle to get back into the grind and wish it was still the weekend. Luckily yesterday I was on the ball and got everything done I wanted to as well as preschool. I even curled my hair. #winning 🤗 I just got a new wand and some other hair products as an early Christmas present and I am pleased with the curls that it produces. It's fun stuff. Rowan had me quite concerned though for a minute while I was curling my hair, when he asked me from my bedroom why our bed was broken. He kept saying "You broke your bed Mommy. Why is the bed broke?" and after questioning him for a minute and getting no peace of mind, I peeked around the corner to see that he was just referring to the fact that I had taken the sheets off the bed to wash them. 😂😂 Gotta love his definition of "broken". 🤦‍♀️

Sadly, just before it was time to go pick up Maeve, Nolan apparently fell at the bottom of the stairs and scraped his arm along some of the plexiglass that we have on our gate so that Zoey can't get through the bars. I say apparently because I didn't see it happen, but it's what I gathered based on how I found him. He was BESIDE himself for so long that we were late picking Maeve up - like so late that I had to get her from the front office. 🙈 Ugh. Poor baby boy was not himself for the rest of the night and even this morning. He would barely crawl around at all for a chunk of the morning and had me worried that something worse happened internally when he fell that just wasn't visible to me, but luckily by the afternoon today he was acting more like himself again. 🙏 

After school, Maeve's friend Bella came by and she ended up riding her bike over to her house with her and played with her for a bit before dinner time. Watching her leave with her helmet on got me to thinking that I really need to buy another helmet so both her and Rowan actually have one. I miiiight be guilty of letting them ride around without helmets since we only have one. 👀🙈 I said it out loud that I should order one and Rowan said "Maeve needs a pink one cause she likes pink, and I need the red one (the one we already own) cause I like red too, and I like orange." 😂😂 His favorite color is orange haha - it made me laugh that he had to tack that one on too. Luckily he still likes red too! 😏

Well, if I have any shot at getting my reading done tonight, I better stop now so I get enough sleep tonight. But I think that's all I got for Monday. I'll have to write about today and tomorrow tomorrow night. 

I did snap a selfie to capture my curly hair yesterday, so there ya go. 

Peace and blessings. ✌️

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