Just a little ray of sunshine

Just a little ray of sunshine

Sunday, November 8, 2020

November 5th - 8th, 2020: Is it going to explode?

Somehow Adam convinced me to relax with him on Thursday evening and skip writing. So here we are. Four days to catch up on.

Thursday was picture day and Maeve went off to school all cute in pigtails with some new matching bows from a bow set that I just bought her. She wanted to do pigtails for the picture and I realized she didn't own any matching bows - thank goodness for Amazon, where I can order bows during any given day and have them delivered that night!! πŸ™ŒThey came to rescue for me on Wednesday night just in time. 

Thursday was also quite the productive day for me, as I both cut Rowan's hair and cleaned/vacuumed our van (to the extent of also scrubbing and hosing off all the mats), in addition to all my other normal daily to dos. And I must say, it felt great getting all of that done! I know I said I was going to switch over to taking Rowan to the salon because he is just so terrible for me, but honestly his last haircut that I paid $17 for was not perfect. If I'm gonna pay for it, I don't want to see mistakes! I was secretly hoping that by now he would be better for me just cause he's so many months older than the last time I cut his hair myself, but nope. He was terrible. But we got through it, and I am pretty satisfied with the cut. It was getting so long and almost covering his whole forehead and I was just ready to see it nice and short again. I also figure if he's going to be terrible for me, I'll cut real short like I just did and let it grow out to be as long as it was before I cut it to really space out the haircuts. Bada bing bada boom - new plan! 

Maeve absolutely cracked me up as I was switching over some laundry on Thursday night before she went to bed. She saw one of her favorite shirts go into the dryer, which has hearts on it that are made of pink sequins. Seeing the sequins concerned her and she quickly asked me, "Is it going to explode??" and before I could even laugh she followed it up with, "Well, it didn't explode in the washer so it probably won't explode in the dryer..." πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€” She kills me!!

Friday was Wacky Tacky day at school so I sent Maeve off looking pretty wacky and she was loving it. 😊 After drop off, the day went on as normal and then we had a little weenie roast on our own back patio. We had thought about going camping, but forgot that with Luna and Bear around like they  usually are on the weekends, that wouldn't really be feasible. But at the very least, we figured we could have a bonfire at home and have some roasted hot dogs and smores. That Maeve is just growing up on us and surprised us by eating a hot dog and a half! 😲 It wasn't too long ago that she couldn't get through 1 whole one. She also has been ordering hamburgers lately when we eat out from time to time and the last couple times has eaten the whole thing!! I kinda couldn't believe my eyes when it happened the first time. 

I also took the time to catch up on some marco polo action with my college friends on Friday night and it was fun to at least have some girl time virtually. πŸ€— AND I watched the most recent episode of the Bachelorette, which was CRAZY, because Clare literally got engaged to Dale (who she had her eyes set on from night one) after only knowing him like 3 weeks. They hadn't even gone on a one on one date before she decided she was only in it for him, went on a one on one date that turned into an overnight date, broke up with everyone else, and then he proposed that night. 😱😱😱 His proposal was the weirdest proposal on the planet too because he basically said "I know you love me so much and you will do everything to make me happy, so will you marry me??" It was so focused on what he was getting from her, instead of being focused on why he loved her and sharing what he wanted to give to her. It was so lame I wanted to die! They will surely break up in no time. Poor Clare is 39 and still a hot mess. But now it's going to switch over to Tayshia being the new Bachelorette for the rest of the season with the leftover guys so that will be interesting. 

I just have to add, too, that Adam fell asleep on the couch at 9:45pm Friday night. We experienced a major role reversal, because he NEVER does that, and somehow I managed to stay wide awake until 11pm. Stranger things have surely never happened! πŸ˜‚

Yesterday (Saturday) we played some board games all together before Adam went roofing. While he was gone I blew the kids away with my ability to blow bubbles with some bubble gum from one of their Halloween candy buckets. It was pretty funny to see them so mesmerized, and I think it's the first time they've even seen someone do that. They kept asking me to do it again and I kinda got some stage fright at one point and started laughing at myself that I was caving under pressure caused from my 5 and 3 year old. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜… πŸ™ˆ Good times around here, that's for sure. Maeve and Rowan also were feeling quite imaginative and wanted to be chefs in their play kitchen and make me food. Maeve actually even wrote up a menu! She sounded out the words herself and it was so cute to see the mistakes, but she definitely knows her sounds and spelled all the words according to how they sound! Ironically, before we could get going on them making and serving the food, it was lunch time and after eating all they could think about was pretending to be dogs together. Maeve literally had Rowan on a leash on all fours and was walking him around the living room...! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ And Rowan just follows her lead with all of it. I just love them. 

After Adam got back from roofing, we headed out to Spring Hill to hit up a playground near Costa Vida, cause heaven knows I will only be able to stand waiting a few months between Costa Vida visits. πŸ˜‚ We were due for some sweet pork salads again. The playground was fun until 3 minutes in when I watched Rowan waddle over to me. I was fully expecting him to say he peed his pants, but nope, it was worse. He said he pooped his pants because he didn't know where I was. πŸ™„ So off I went to clean him up in a nasty bathroom and was forced to put Maeve's old yoga pants on him for the rest of the night because it was all I had in the bag. πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ Keeping that diaper bag restocked is not my forte aaaand I need to work on that. I swear though 9 times out of 10 it's stocked and the stuff doesn't get used and then the 1 time it isn't is when something actually happens. 🀦 Why does it have to work that way?! Anyway, despite the hiccup, there was more fun to be had at the park. 

Costa Vida hit the spot as it always does and it was funny cause not only did we run into Jessica Blanscett and her daughter (the YW pres in our presidency that I work with), but we also sat near another young family and ended up finding out they were also LDS so that was kinda fun. We chatted with them for a little bit before heading out. We got some Culvers on the way home because the flavor of the day on the sign piqued my interest - ironically it didn't end up sounding as awesome once it was explained, and then I ended up getting something seasonal instead of my usual and it was a letdown. I was honestly kinda sad inside the whole time I was eating it, thinking of what could have been if I had just gotten my usual... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­

And what do ya know, we were back to our typical me falling asleep at 9:30pm on the couch and Adam staying up later after the kids went to bed. πŸ˜‚Usually watching shows makes me fall asleep, but I guess it takes something as juicy as the Bachelorette to keep me awake. 🀷‍♀️

Well, that brings us to today. It was our assigned week for church and I got to say the closing prayer. Adam actually assigns the prayers and last night he said to me, "I have a serious question to ask you....". He paused and I honestly was feeling a little nervous about what was going to follow.... but then he asked me to say the prayer. What a knucklehead! Getting me to hold my breath for nothing. 😏

After church, I decided to test out the Lion House roll recipe that I got from the Jessica mentioned above and though they turned out pretty well, there is room for improvement. I'm determined to figure out how to make them look more beautiful and uniform and end up more fluffy and perfect. The pictures you see in recipes always look more perfect than what comes out in your kitchen, but I soooo want to fix that! Someone else made them look that awesome, so why can't I!? We might all end up fat from rolls before I figure it out, but I'm gonna do it. πŸ’ͺ

Adam also made another fire this evening and we had some smores again. The kids had me laughing with this conversation they had:

Rowan: I can feel the heat!
Maeve: Do you even know what heat is Rowan?
Rowan: Yes
Maeve: Then what is it? 
Rowan: I don't know 

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘Œ Too good! 

Before I wrap up, I should also mention that Nolan has started giving kisses, and I can't get enough cause it's the sweetest 😍😍, but he also has started whacking us in the face for fun. It is kinda driving me nuts, because how do you tell an 11 month old to stop?! πŸ€” I'm genuinely not sure how to get him to stop. Send help. Sweet and salty, that boy! 

Time for some pics: 

Rowan loves to throw blankets all over Nolan in an attempt to lovingly smother him to death... πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚

Rowan put on a little tea party for preschool on Thursday and it was too cute. πŸ‘†πŸ‘‡

How he greeted me from his nap 😍

This face cracks me up! πŸ˜‚

The love is real between these two! 

Making his tea 😍☕

Attempting to give Nolan some tea 😊

I was so alarmed to feel this earring and notice that it did this. Apparently this hoop can be taken out more ways than one... 😳

Found him like this after a nap 😍

Wacky Tacky day! 

Rocking Maeve's old yoga pants πŸ˜‚

She was my helper with rubbing all the rolls with butter 😍

Peace and blessings. ✌️

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