So remember that boy I barely introduced you to in the last post? You do? Oh good, he's definitely one you'll want to remember. Because crazy or not, I just married him! I figured since he keeps me young by making me laugh so much and I love him just a LITTLE bit (make that a lot), this little blog of mine needed a makeover to include him in it. Don't worry though, the posts will get a lot more exciting with him in the picture. ;) I know there are about a million things to update you about on here...
1. Our wedding day
2. Our honeymoon
3. Actually being married (I've heard it changes a lot of things?)
4. Thanksgiving
5. And soon enough we'll be to Christmas!
And I know you'll want lots of pictures. Probably why I haven't done any of this yet since I don't really know where to start. But I suppose THIS is a start! Stay tuned and say what up to the new and improved Mr. and Mrs. McKarns...
PS. There's a lot more where that came from... and some are even a little cuter ;)