Just a little ray of sunshine

Just a little ray of sunshine

Friday, July 3, 2020

July 3rd, 2020: I wanna get the coronavirus

The tiny boys of the house and I were the first ones up this morning. The best kind of mornings are the mornings where my little people like to start things slowly by just sitting and chatting with me. This morning was one of those, where Rowan was happy to cuddle next to me on the rocking chair and just talk to me in his sweet little voice. I'm sad that his voice will not always sound like what it does right now. The sound itself puts a smile on my face (unless he turns into rage monster and then it's a lot louder and less cute 😂) and sometimes I put all my energy into just listening to him.

After our typical morning routine, we got ready and made the journey over to Costco. Eventually we'll have one here in Murfreesboro, but right now the closest one is 35 minutes away in Franklin. It's the same one we went to when we lived in Nashville. So for now, we go every couple of months and really stock up. When we got to Costco Rowan was not really going for his face mask and he said to me - - in that reassuring tone of voice where you're trying to make it clear the other person shouldn't worry about anything because everything is fine - - "I wanna get the coronavirus Mommy" - no mask, no problem. He's ready to be sick. 🙊😅 Ironically while in the store though, without his mask on (cause ya know, there's really no way to force that child), he said "Maybe I'll get coronavirus in my eyes" and then promptly put his sunglasses on to protect himself. 😂😂😂 He kills me! We got some Costco lunch for a whopping $6 and change for the family and did the math that if we chose to eat Costco food everyday for lunch and dinner we'd spend $70 a week. It's almost just as cheap to eat that food every single day as it would be to grocery shop for the week. So crazy! We also stopped at Academy Sports to get a new camping chair for Maeve since hers broke recently and then dropped into Walmart for a few items as well.

We got home just when the dogs we watch every weekend showed up - a favor I'm doing for a friend in my ward that is recently divorced and now works doubles on the weekends a bit far from her house and the dogs need some loving and attention. They're sweet and the kids love it. Maeve is always ready to unload their food and such and get it all set up where it needs to be all on her own. Nolan and Bear even had a special moment today. 😍

We did preschool after getting everything situated and all our groceries put away and then had potstickers for dinner - it may come as a shock to some, but if my kids could only eat one thing for the rest of their lives that is more filling than candy, it would be potstickers. So random to me, but it all started when at the beginning of quarantine Adam decided to buy some bags for the freezer thinking it'd be an easy dinner option. I assumed picky Rowan would never even touch a potsticker, but he was curious enough to try one and is HOOKED just like Maeve. It kinda turned into a thing to eat them every Friday for a little while and if we have them in the house there's no way around it - the kids will go crazy for them and insist we eat them EVERY Friday. We certainly will not always have them in the house, but we had gotten more of them for both of their birthdays knowing it's what they'd want for their birthday dinner. I really can't complain because I do love potstickers too and it's an easy way to cheat and have meat, which is normally not in our house. 

A couple other noteworthy things to mention from today:  

~Rowan was drawing a picture for me at the table today during preschool and he said "It's gonna be kinda scary, but I like scary things. You close your eyes though cause it's scary." -- apparently, I am more of a wimp than him and also it should be noted that when I opened my eyes, he said "there it is! A circle!" News flash: circles are scary. 😂

~Maeve and I got sidetracked during her reading lessons tonight and she started asking me questions about the dogs we were watching and why we watch them every single weekend. She was confused on why their mom would have to work because she doesn't see me go to work so in her little brain only men work. We ended up having quite the intellectual conversation and then she caught herself before she asked another question and said "Mmm. Okay, I'm good now, I wanna learn again" and buried her little head back in her book of reading lessons. I just love her so much. Which is exactly what I said to her after giving her a little squeeze when she said that. As of today, we are halfway through the book - she's cruising and loving every second. 

Enough is enough - time to go get some Crumbl cookies and watch Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist. My happy place for sure. 

I'll leave you with this picture of Nolan, because it's how you'll find him most of the time now. His favorite position for sure. For a minute there, I thought he was going to start crawling before he could even sit up on his own (he's been kinda lazy with that one) but today he finally did sit up for a good while before toppling over. He'll be crawling before we know it!

Aaaand it should be mentioned that it's 10pm and Maeve is still awake laying in her bed singing songs from Zombies. 🤦‍♀️😂 My sister told her about it and we watched it at her house and she is OBSESSED. 

Peace and blessings. 

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