Just a little ray of sunshine

Just a little ray of sunshine

Thursday, July 16, 2020

July 15th & 16th, 2020: Phone calls and appointments

With preschool ending, our routine has been thrown out of whack the last couple of days. I thought I would welcome the extra time and freedom to do whatever we want during the time normally spent doing that, but instead I feel like it's made me less productive and ironically even with the extra time we have not made it to the pool the last couple of days! 😲 Truth be told, we could have gone yesterday, but I chose to call my mom instead because we were way overdue for a chat. So I'm glad that happened, and it was a nice good chat. Then today got thrown off a bit because of a dentist appt to fix my front teeth and improve my smile - one of my front teeth was a little off and looked different from the rest in color - but I'm definitely happy I got to fix that!! I won't see the final results until 3 weeks from now when the permanent crown for one of my front middle teeth will be made and ready. So now I'm anxiously awaiting that day! And speaking of the dentist, Adam was able to call about our extra bill of $1,000 and they did agree to charge $500 less for my work today so basically we are getting away with paying half the amount, which helps. Not all is lost! 🙏 I had hoped to make it to the pool today, but really Nolan's naps kinda threw it off. When we were ready and could have gone, he needed a nap and by the time he was awake it was too late to be worth it to go. 🤦‍♀️

Anyway, back to being less productive - kinda the reason why I didn't end up writing last night and also didn't want to tonight, but I basically forced myself even though I wasn't in the mood because I refuse to fall off the wagon. It's interesting to me that it's often this way - the busier we are, the more likely we are to make the entire day productive (and stay positive about it) and the momentum keeps us going. But on the flip side, when we have a little more free time it's easy to lose momentum and maybe slack a little bit on some of the tasks we know we should do. It's probably just a human nature thing, but I do find it interesting that having down extra free time during the day can sometimes make you slack more the rest of the day, instead of recharge you. In any event, I wonder if what I should take from this is that the heavens are telling me that I don't need a preschool manual in front of me as a reason to keep up with structured fun learning activities for my kids. I honestly enjoyed it and so did the kids - so maybe we need to at least make time every day for 1 kind of structured activity. But enough word vomit...!

Since we've just been home all day the last couple of days (well, the kids anyway), I must say I've been pleased with how they've just been in their own little world so much. The pretend play is at an all time high right now and I'm grateful their imaginations are really running wild and Rowan is old enough to hold his own and keep their pretend play going. Most of the time they're inside making up games with their toys or playing house, but today even when they went out on the back patio to play with the hose and ride their bikes, Maeve told me they were pretending it was a car wash with her riding through it on her bike and Rowan cleaning her with the hose. 😂 During some of their playing today, I was able to actually sit on the couch and read a book for bit and that usually never happens, so it was a treat. 🙌

And now for the comical stuff from the last couple of days...

~Yesterday when Rowan was in the bathroom going potty with me, Maeve said "Rowan, I'm gonna shut the door so no one can see your penis" 😂👏

~Yesterday morning I told Rowan he needed to come pick out his toy to try and earn for the day by staying dry and he said "I can't because I peed" - which isn't actually funny because he was telling the truth. Sure enough he was standing in a pee puddle, but I do applaud him for his honesty. Luckily after a number of bad days in a row not earning a toy due to accidents, he DID have a good day today and got a new little foam football. 🙌 Heaven help me that this child will figure out how to only go in the potty before he's 10 years old.

~Zoey threw up yesterday afternoon and immediately started eating her throw up. She ate all of it and I guess I'm not complaining cause I didn't have to clean it up myself, but man, dogs are really so disgusting sometimes!!

~This morning as I took my retainers out Rowan was watching me and after they were both out he said, "Now you don't have tongues?" 😂🤔

~Before dinner tonight, Maeve put on her Anna dress and Rowan put on his fireman costume and they were playing. I heard Rowan making a phone call to Maeve saying "Hi princess, I'm a fire man. Just like... what are you doing princess?" 😂

Aaaaaaand now for some pictures and videos.

Yesterday I took a swig out of the big bottle and Maeve motioned that she wanted some and she got to experience drinking out of the big bottle too 😂

This little boy is cruising and I guess it's about time that the dog food and water can't stay on the floor anymore... 

This is what happens when the kids are in charge of cleaning up their toys. 😂🤯 It's out of control! Not sure how that is even all balancing, but needless to say, I laughed out loud when I noticed it like this and we dumped it out and did a little reshuffling. 

I discovered yesterday that Nolan thinks it's pretty hilarious when I squeeze his cheeks. There is nothing better than a baby laughing so hard! The kids had to get in on the action too! 😂😍

Last night, Rowan said "Mommy look!" and did this new trick. I'm not sure how he even learned it or thought to try it but it was too funny! 

One final thought -- why do moms have to do everything sometimes? Maeve put me in a bad mood before she went to bed tonight because she insisted that I do her reading lessons with her even though I was in the middle of nursing Nolan and Adam was sitting on the couch not doing anything. She is so stuck on it always being me that does it with her and it kind of drives me crazy.  I know someday she won't want me to do anything with her and I'll be sad about it, but today is not that day. 😂 Luckily spewing my thoughts here put me in a better mood.

Peace and blessings. ✌️

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