Just a little ray of sunshine

Just a little ray of sunshine

Monday, March 8, 2021

March 8th, 2021: It tastes like Jesus

Last night I decided it was time to get back to waking up early to get most of my work out done before waking up Maeve to get ready for school. It's not as dark or cold in the mornings, so I feel up to it again, and it is nice to feel like I have more time during the day to just do fun stuff with the boys. And today, that was playing outside with Rowan flying his foam airplanes around, while Nolan watched from his stroller and played with random little toys on his own. It was nice and sunny and so good for my soul to be out there. Rowan loved every minute of it, so I'm glad that I woke up at 5:40am so that we could do it! 🙌💯 Honestly, I had fun too because those planes go pretty far when you use the slingshot launcher. 😂 It was also really nice to have no interruptions during my workout!! That's honestly a big reason why it ends up feeling like we don't have much time to do stuff together because my 1 hour workout gets turned into a 2 hour workout because of all the times I have to stop to help feed the boys, take Rowan potty, read him a book really quick because he's dying for it, play with his wind up cars for 5 minutes, etc. And then I feel kind of guilty leaving them to play on their own for even more time after that to do my scripture study - so it's much better this way and a win for everyone to get back to waking up before the sun comes up all the way. 

Rowan helped me make pancakes for breakfast, and while eating them, he looked in my water bottle and said, "There's a booger in your water". After seeing my disgust, he laughed and said, "Just kidding!" 😂🤦 He then went on to tell me about a time when he saw a crumb in his water, but drank it anyway, and said that it tasted good. 🙈 Gross! 

This afternoon I witnessed a modern day miracle. Maeve told me she finished her ENTIRE lunch, and I was able to confirm with my own eyes that her lunch box was in fact empty after school. She was so giddy about it, especially because I made such a big deal out of it, and it was too cute. 🥰 

Once settled in at home, while Maeve was on FaceTime with Gram, Rowan and I were playing with Nolan at the top of the stairs near the baby gate for a little bit, throwing a ball back and forth and watching him open and close the gate over and over. We kept saying "Hi!" and "Bye!" as he would open and shut it and Rowan thought it was just hilarious that he kept wanting to do it. 😂 It's the little things with these babies! I also went to see if Nolan would give me a high 5 and he totally did! It was cracking me up because every time he would give me one he couldn't help but yell out with excitement afterwards. 😂😍 Sweet, silly boy!

My two other favorite moments of the day were this evening watching Maeve clean up the toys and basically do a dance routine as she was doing it. 😂 I told her she was my favorite human as I was watching her and I just hope she can always turn work into fun! Also, a few minutes later Rowan took a sip from his water bottle and said, "It tastes like Jesus" 😂🤔 - to be fair, he had just looked at a picture of Jesus. I guess that means it was some goooood water. 

The kids are really into the chapter book we're reading, which is Polly and Buster - The Wayward Witch & Feelings Monster and I must say that I am loving it too! It's kinda fun to read something with more meat to that isn't just over in 2 seconds. It's also been fun to see if Maeve can remember what we read the day before, before we start reading again and her reading comprehension has been spot on. 👌

OH and before I wrap up, last night Adam told me that he got a message from a high councilor asking if we could both meet with him on Tuesday night. So of course that most likely means one of us is getting a new calling and Adam is convinced it's him. The whole rest of the night, he was just thinking of all the possible callings it could be and had his panties in a total wad over it. 😂😂 Watch it will be a calling for me and not him! We'll see tomorrow and I'll be here to report if it's ugly or either of us has dropped dead over it. 😜 

Last, but not least, somehow while I was sharing the laughs of the weekend in my post from last night, I skipped over one. And ironically, this is one that got written on the list, but that actually didn't happen over the weekend, but I forgot to write about during the week last week. I don't remember what night it was, but after dinner Adam got himself into a MAJOR sneezing fit. He sneezed SO many times that his eyes started to water so bad. I kinda couldn't believe my eyes and eventually Maeve said, "I don't think Dad can go to work anymore... he can't stop sneezing!" 😂😂

I'll leave you with some pictures of me and my tiniest little lover, who started snuggling with me hard core because he had hurt himself so I had to snap a pic. And then decided to snap a few more cause why not! 😂😍

Here's a couple videos too from last week that I forgot to share of Maeve and Nolan dancing together. 😍😍


Peace and blessings. ✌️

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