Just a little ray of sunshine

Just a little ray of sunshine

Sunday, September 27, 2020

September 23rd to 27th, 2020: Home Decor for dayssss

I am sitting here wondering how in the world it is almost October!?! How have 2 months gone by since we were in the thick of going the pool everyday...!? Before we know it, it will be Christmastime and my baby will be turning 1! 😱😭 I just can't even handle it. He's TOO much right now, and needs to stay my baby forever. On Wednesday night this week (which is basically where we left off) he was an overtired mess and not only refused his afternoon nap, but then fought super hard going to bed that night too. I was more than thrilled to leave the chaos of getting the other two ready for bed to help soothe him, and I actually broke down in tears with him snuggled into my arms at still as can be because it's been so long since I've gotten any snuggles from him. All the sudden, I couldn't help but think about how it feels like a dream that I ever had a baby Maeve in my arms like that 5 years ago. I don't even remember what it was like snuggling her - though I'm sure it felt very similar - but it's impossible to bottle that feeling up and just pretend you're snuggling a sweet baby and feel that feeling without actually snuggling one. I'm about to start bawling right now just thinking about it! 🙈🤣 I'm going to be a total basketcase when I'm done having my own babies and will have no more babies to snuggle. I just want to remember that feeling of Nolan nestled against me for the rest of my life!!! I have actually joked with friends that I would have a million babies if I could just give them each away once they aren't a baby anymore 😂 (in a way that sounds terrible, I don't mean it like I wouldn't care about them at that point, but it's more that I wouldn't have the mental capacity nor the money to raise that many children) - really I just need a forever baby!!!!! Maybe in heaven I will be with all my children in baby form...🤔 We're supposed to be in our most perfect state in heaven and babies are certainly perfect in my opinion. We shall see! Anyway, sadly enough in the emotional state that I was in, when I went in to lay with Maeve after that, all I could think about is how she is in no way, shape, or form like a baby anymore and I started crying again. 🙈😅 I said something about how all my babies are growing up too fast and before I know it they'll be leaving me for college. That was apparently the wrong thing to say to a little girl who is very in touch with her emotions! It turned into her choking back tears because she will miss us so much when she leaves for college. 😂😂 Oh man, I assured her that she would not be leaving us ANYTIME soon and that helped, but then she got a pouty lip again a few minutes later and said to me "I just hope I can bring a book of pictures of my parents when I leave for college..." 🥰😍 Aaaaand that's when my heart melted into a puddle on the floor. That sweet girl!! I assured her she'd have a nice collection of pictures of our family to take with her when that time comes. 

Now that that long tangent is over with, I have a few other funny odds and ends to share about Wednesday and I'm going to share them in list form: 

~Rowan is getting more and more comfortable messing around with Nolan everyday and that just means things are getting more and more dangerous around here. 😳 Their shenanigans are out of control. My biggest task of motherhood right now is making sure death by brute force or suffocation doesn't occur. 😂😱 To paint a picture, here's a list of things, with the exception of one of them, that happened on Wednesday alone:
  • Rowan sticking his foot out towards Nolan's face so that he will lick his toes 
  • Nolan reaching up and squeezing Rowan's bum while in the bath 😂😂
  • Rowan squeezing Nolan's head as hard as he possibly can (cause ya know, that's how he shows affection) 
  • Rowan covering Nolan's mouth because he was crying for "too long" (probably 3 minutes) and he didn't want to hear it anymore 
  • Rowan jumping over Nolan and then throwing an adult sized blanket over him to cover his entire helpless little body 🙈
~On Wednesday morning when Maeve and I were hashing it out trying to figure out what she was going to wear to school, Rowan sits up in bed and says, "You're not supposed to talk out loud, you're waking me up!" When we continued to talk anyway, he got out of bed and came over saying "Okay... Oooookay" as if playing the middle man or referee to smooth things out between us (😂) and said "you're still talking out loud keeping me awake!!" The poor little boy was forgetting that he really needed to be awake anyway. Those early school mornings have a way of showing up too quickly! 

~This didn't happen on Wednesday, but I forgot to mention in the previous post that during bathtime with the boys, Rowan was pointing out all the letters of the alphabet with our foam bath letters and saying their sounds with so much excitement even though he was wrong almost every single time about both the letter name and the sound (e.g. while holding up a G, saying "this is a P, which says sssss" 😂). But hey at least, he is interested in learning them and talking about them! Preschool has been helping because he does recognize the letters A & R now that we have covered those. 🙌

~I asked Rowan to throw me one of his balls so we could put it away and after he threw it he said, "Mommy, it's like a football team! I throw to you and you catch it!" - he had watched some football over the weekend with Adam 😊

~After vacuuming during the day, apparently I missed a few crumbs cause Rowan pulled out his little vacuum and said "I need to vacuum cause I see some crumbles" 😂😂

~Rowan loves when Nolan tries to climb on him and he will say, "Mom, look at Nolan! Look at Nolan now!"... I think I heard the phrase "look at Nolan" like 5 times in a row on Wednesday while they were playing together 😂 

~I forgot to mention this in a previous post, but sometime last week Rowan got out the straightener from Maeve's pretend salon kit and walking outside of the house straightening his hair and then stopped to "straighten" the flowers on the plants as he walked past them! 😂😂

So this doesn't turn into a complete novel, I am only going to touch on the highlights of Thursday-Sunday (today). 


We got a new storage bench to sit near our entry way and it showed up in the mail during the day. I had fun putting a bunch of the kids games and puzzles into it that were previously upstairs. It will be sooo nice to have them downstairs since that's where we play with them! 

I also finally had the kids try on their new clothes I got for them the weekend before, and Maeve was seriously killlllling me! She is getting SO picky and said comments like "these are too tight in the ankles" and my personal favorite "these leggings aren't soft enough" (don't worry, they were completely soft 🤦). I so miss the days where she had no opinion whatsoever on what she wore and I could just dress her in the cutest outfits every single day. 😭 I need another baby girl!

I went to Walmart for some odds and ends and ended up getting lucky and finding a new rug for our entry way that had all the colors of our living room in it and the shades seemed pretty spot on. I was excited to get it home and sure enough the teal is perfect. The blues are a little off, but I think it's close enough and I need to get over my dreams of everything always matching sooo perfectly. I am so fixated on that and trying to loosen up a little bit haha. I got the stamp of approval from my mom and sister so feeling pretty good about it! I also got a brown sharpie to cover up some dings on our kitchen table and end tables in the living room and immediately got to work when I got home. The dings were driving me nuts and it made a world of difference!! 🙌🙌

Wednesday and Thursday were way day on Wayfair.com so I also spent a good chunk of time browsing home decor both of those days to try and take advantage of the sales. Which is actually why I didn't write any blog posts those days because I used all my time in the evening to search through everything! When all was said and done, we did end up pulling the trigger on a piece of wall art for our living room. I'm not sure if we will love it in person, and we were debating on what to do because it wasn't clear if it will be returnable or not. But we decided in the end (like right before midnight on Thursday night 😂) that if worse comes to worst, we can just sell it on Facebook Marketplace or something. But fingers crossed that it looks great in the living room and that the colors are right!! 🤞🤞


I braved taking the boys to Home Goods to try and get some new rubber gloves to use while washing dishes (they didn't have them, but maybe it's for the best since I have gone through 2 pairs of those already - I ended up ordering a different pair off Amazon and maybe I will like them even better! We shall see 🤞), and ended up also browsing the whole store for decor. I ended up snatching 3 matching little fake plants that to line up in the center of my kitchen table as a new centerpiece. They look super cute, but I think I might also find a skinny little tray to set them in which will also add another element and also make them easier to move off the table when I ever need to. While we were in the store, Rowan was pretty great most of the time until he started huffing and puffing saying "why is it taking so looooong?" - only his favorite phrase of all time to use in the carpool lane at Maeve's school - and completely fell apart when I told him we were finished and he thought we'd be walking out of the store immediately, but really I meant that we could go check out. Luckily I reigned him in before he caused too much of a scene. 😅 

I went to the grocery store after we made dinner hoping to get pumpkin to make pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and there was no pumpkin to be found! I hadn't been able to get any at Walmart the night before and figured it was just a fluke, but apparently everyone and their brother is wanting to bake pumpkin treats right now. Who would have thought only a few days into Fall they'd be completely out of it?! I was so depressed, but luckily Adam came to the rescue when he told me we could get crumbl cookies instead. And luckily enough, one of their flavors was pumpkin chocolate chip so it ended up being a win win! Adam wanted something savory too, so when I went to get the cookies I also picked up the new pretzel bun burgers we had seen at Wendy's earlier in the month that looked so good (we had had kind of an early dinner so a second dinner seemed necessary 😂) and they did not disappoint!! So good! I also killed some time at Target because I had to wait on one of the cookie flavors to be ready at Crumbl, but it was awesome because I found so many great curtain options for our bedroom and the kids bedroom while I was there. I didn't have time to make a decision, but was excited knowing we'd have some good options to try out!

Alright, it's getting late, so I better stop here!! 

Now for some pictures:

He kept striking this lose and was cracking me up... 😂

From the night that he was still awake after 8pm even after skipping his nap. We eventually gave up and brought him back downstairs for a while. I love seeing him in Adam's lap cause he looks so small! 😍

We got allll the way ready to head out the door to run some errands and while I was nursing Nolan before leaving Rowan conked out like this next to me. 😂 It ended up giving me more time to browse wayfair! 

Crawling all over his sleeping brother 😍

Shows the new rug and storage bench 

👇 And here we have the sequence of crib pictures of Nolan because I can't help myself!! He always looks soooo cute standing there. It's over the top! I could eat that perfect little face off. 😍😍😍

He loves to crawl around holding onto this dog bone toy of Zoey's and it cracks me up because it looks like a little hand weight for him. 😂 

And speaking of the devil, Zoey's favorite spot in the house! 😍 Gotta love how she's always so curled up. 

Until next time! Peace and blessings. ✌️

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