Just a little ray of sunshine

Just a little ray of sunshine

Monday, August 24, 2020

August 23rd, 2020: Ceiling fans and spilled flaxseed

I almost skipped writing today because I was in such a bad mood tonight after putting the kids in bed.... 😑 But I'm here now at the end of the night after some relaxation to decompress and remind myself there are still things to be happy about in this world and in our house. 😂 I got started on dinner later than I wanted to, which means we ate later than we should have, the kids were taking forever to eat their nightly treats, and everyone needed baths/showers. So when all was said and done it was later than I wanted them to be getting in bed and then it occurred to me I forgot to make Maeve's lunch for tomorrow after we finished dinner. I asked her what she wanted to bring and girlfriend could not make up her mind in a timely manner and I was losing patience!! So downstairs I went in a bad mood only to remember I still had dishes to do and a living room to pick up. 😩 Sooo there's that. Once all that was taken care of, I just needed to veg for a bit. Buuut let's rewind to Sunday. 

I have to say that the beauty of having a dog is being able to take a piece of dog food out of your baby's mouth and put it directly into your dog's mouth, with said dog being more than happy to still eat it. 😅😖 That being said, I suppose not having a dog in the first place would eliminate said baby being able to get into dog food.... So really I guess I should retract my initial statement and just say forget I ever said that. 😂🤦

Which brings me to my next point... Nolan is always trying to eat EVERYTHING! I am so not used to this because my other two babies were not big on putting stuff in their mouth. But here I am now literally finding all sorts of junk in Nolan's mouth on a daily basis. It's a miracle he's still alive and hasn't choked to death yet. 😰

After doing our home church, the kids were playing house downstairs while Adam and I were dealing with putting their ceiling fan back together. Which as a side note, is the biggest pain in the butt, by the way!! The amount of arm strength needed to get it situated and then try and screw it back on before it falls out of place again, only to have to redo the situating about 10 times before you actually get it put back together is out of this world. Not to mention we kept dropping screws by accident while on the ladder and then couldn't ever find one of them. Moral of the story is do not EVER take apart a ceiling fan to try and figure out if something is wrong with it yourself. You're welcome. 

Aaaanyway, while we were doing that, both kids came upstairs and Maeve got my attention and said in the most robotic announcer type voice "Excuse me, there is some poop downstairs. Rowan found some poop in our home. Can you clean it up please? Thank you." 😂 And she referring to dog poop, by the way. Zoey's favorite spot to poop if she does poop in the house is always underneath the piano near where they play house, so they keep me well informed. 😏 During this Sunday, edition of playing house they were transforming themselves over and over into who knows what, but I kept hearing them yell "transforming!" while throwing themselves on the ground. 😂

I made 2 loaves of chocolate chip banana bread after our ceiling fan fiasco, one for ourselves and one to deliver to a lady in our ward that needed a pick me up. While measuring out the water for the flax eggs I was making, I accidentally dropped the bowl of flaxseed and dumped ALL of it in the sink.... 🤦🤦. Ironically 2 seconds later, Adam also dropped a measuring cup on the ground. We are just that in sync, that we are even clumsy at the same time...! 😂 

While making said bread, I noticed a sippy cup of Rowan's just sitting on the kitchen floor. So I said, "Hey Rowan, if you don't want the dog to lick your milk cup, you shouldn't leave it on the floor." His response was, "Um, you can pick it up." as if he needed to give me permission to move it. 😂 Little does he know, I had already moved it cause I'm just that nice of a mom. 

After dinner, Maeve and I were talking about what she could put in her school lunch and I told her we were out of apple sauce pouches. I then mentioned that it probably wasn't a good idea to put some applesauce from the jar into one of the little tupperwares we normally use for her lunches because we had learned the hard way that they don't seem to be leak proof with liquidy stuff. 🤦 After I said that though, she rubbed my arm and with a very concerned and gentle look, said "It's okay Mom. I believe in you!" 🥰 Oh my haha... she is truly such a sweet girl sometimes! And with that comment, she easily onvinced me that we could try it out one more time and see if it wasn't a fluke the first time. 

Last but not least, Rowan's newest thing he does when he dribbles just a little bit in his undies is say, "I peed and then I dribbled" 😂🤔 - he's just a wee bit confused by those definitions. 

Alright, I'm outta here cause I'm falling asleep. I'll leave you with this pic of Nolan proving that he pays no attention to anything in his way when he's crawling around, the little booger... 😂 

Peace and blessings. ✌️

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